Prayers of the People: January 22, 2012

Here’s a prayer of intercession and commitment based on the scripture texts for the third Sunday after Epiphany.  It was written by Richard J. Einerson.

Prayers of the People: Epiphany 3B
(based on Jonah 3, Psalm 62, Matthew 4:18-22, Mark 1: 14-20)

Our gracious, eternal God, we thank you that Jesus’ call to his disciples came in such an uneventful way.  Contrary to the wisdom of the world he did not start with the privileged and the wealthy and the powerful.  He did not begin with those who had little need and little desire for change. He began with some very simple folk. He began with some fishermen.

We pray that his call, “Come, follow me,” might again reverberate through our souls today.

May we hear again the challenge to be your disciples.
May we hear again the message of this one who brings good news.
May we hear again the invitation to come to you, “all you who are weary and heavy laden.”
May we hear again eternal words of hope which tell us that however dark the world becomes the darkness cannot ever overcome the radiant light of this holy one, Jesus.
May we hear again those simple words:  “Come, follow me,” and may we come, just as we are, and know again  the depth of  your grace and love for us.

Give us the power to bring change and transformation to the peoples of the world as did those early fishermen. Give us the power to provide the same kind of hope for the world-weary as they brought to theirs. Give us the vision of a world transformed.

We pray for those whose health is a constant and major concern.  Be especially with those whose health is compromised so much that they have no hope of ever feeling totally well again. For those we ask that you give courage for the frustrating obstacles of life. Amen.

— written by Richard Einerson, and posted on Richard Einerson: Prayers of the People website. Visit that site for other prayers, and to order his book, Prayers of the People.