Prayers of the People: February 5, 2012

Here’s a prayer of intercession for the fifth Sunday after Epiphany from Richard Fairchild’s Kir-shalom website.

Prayer of Intercession: Epiphany 5B

God of our life, our everlasting, never ending hope; by your great will and power you have created and sustained the vast and unfathomable universe.  In the midst of all this greatness and splendour, you have set  us, creatures in Your own image!  By your grace you have called us to serve you and to be your people.  In your love and mercy you have chosen and laid hold on us, to be a light in darkness!  Teach us, O God, your ways.  Help us, each day to turn aside and to listen for you, and to study your word, and to pray to you, so that we might live as your people, and give ourselves - all we are and all we have – in obedience to your will – so that we might have strength and hope - peace and joy - and so that we might be able to impart these to others in your name.... Lord, hear our prayer...

Lord, You are the giver of life.  In the midst of suffering we celebrate the promise of Your peace.  In the midst of oppression - the promise of your freedom.  In the midst of doubt and despair - the promise of your presence and your kingdom.  In the midst of fear - the promise of everlasting joy.  In the midst of sin and decay - the promise of salvation and of renewal.  In the midst of death the promise of life eternal.  May we dwell in your promises and lift them up before others with love and compassion....  Lord, hear our prayer...

God, so many people are in need.  We pray for them as we pray for ourselves.

God, our healer, we pray for those who are sick,
     and for those who look after them.
We pray for those who are full of dread and anxiety
     and for those who carry the word of courage and faith.
God, our consoler, we pray for those who are sorrowful,
     and for those who have been bereaved
We pray for the weary
     and for those  weighed down by chronic illness, pain or frailty. 
We pray for those exhausted by the demands of work or caring for others.
     And for those who turn to you for new strength...
And we pray for those who are hungry, those who are without a home,
     and all those live under the threat of war.
Lord, hear our prayer.....

O God, we pray for the concerns and the individuals  whom you have placed upon our hearts this day.  Hear now the prayers that rise from our midst.... BIDDING PRAYER..... Lord hear our prayer....

We ask these things through Christ Jesus your Son, our Lord, our brother, and our friend..  Amen.

— written by Richard J. Fairchild, and posted on his Kir-shalom website.  

For another prayer of intercession for Epiphany 5B, based on 1 Corinthians 9:16-23, see his prayer here. 

For more worship resources for February 5, 2012 (the fifth Sunday after Epiphany), click on Epiphany 5B in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page.

For more prayer resources on this blog, see the Scriptural Index of Prayers at the upper right side of the page.